letting go....=) (part 1)

just today, i met you...
u were with one of your best friend...
we promised earlier to meet, just for me to give my storyboard to you...
because one of your best friend@my beloved little sister is very eager to watch it...
so, i just went to the alley full with people without noticing that i have walked passed you...
you noticed at the first place and called for me...with a little cute smile on your face...
the smile really does cheer me up for the day...even though it was only a little glimpse...
well that's okay..because i know....u did smiled because u see me in the first place...
again i cheered up that day...
when i first talked to you earlier...then u noticed... that i haven't recovered from my flu...
then u said..."awak still selsema lagi.." again with a smile on your face....
and also again...my heart cheered up....
then we walked along by the alley together...then u stopped because you forget to wait for your friend...again i smiled....looking at you face also with a very cute smile....
i just cant help my self....to be very entertained and flattered looking at your smile....
for all this while, i then realized...that you are the only person that can make me smile with the slightest effort you can make....
you dont have to say any funny thing...
you dont have to do any silly acts...
and u dont even have to tickle me all the way...
just enough with a very slight and simple smile from you....
can easily burst a sincere smile from my face...
and that one thing that everyone cannot make other than u....
it's just very amazing...
to realized that a glimpse of smile from a person can make my heart flatter as i'm the happiest person on earth...and that is one of the reason i like you...even better...LOVE YOU...
as we walked along the alley.... you did stopped a few times to buy some food...
as you reached the end of the alley, you met another one of your best friend...
while you were talking to her...i left you with her and to buy myself some foods....
then i went to the end of the alley again and saw you were actually waiting for me...
i never thought that you would wait for me...then i just walked with you along the way to find a place to eat.....
we stopped by the bank of the lake.....
the same place when i did make a fool of myself catching fishes with a drinking cup a few weeks past... but still you joined me...
again...i smiled remembering that event on my mind....

(to be continued....)


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