letting go....=) (part 2)

as we arrived at the bank of the lake...
me and other 2 of your best friend sit there together while you went back to your to take KAORU...
your cute pink laptop... it was not very long till you came back with you pink backpack behind you..
walking along the way....i dont know why....
i just cant stop staring at you walking towards us also....with cute SMILE on your face...
as you arrived just at us, you sit beside me and started to open up you KAORU to transfer my storyboard in to it... i really cant stop staring at you but because you have you friends there too so i cant stare at you too much or i will be caught by them...
looking at KAORU, all of a sudden i remembered how that cute pink lappy got it's name...
it was me who gave the name KAORU to your laptop...
at that time, we were chatting about this japanese series that i have been watching...
the name of the series was LOVE SHUFFLE...
i told u that i love the series very much and tell you about the story....
you were very interested to watch the series too and at the end of the chat, i promised you to give the series for you to watch.....
inspired by the series, we then decided to start shuffling the name of our laptop....
you are the first one to give a name for my white laptop...
you came up with a name called YOSHIMI which means "to rejoice in beauty" in japanese.....while i came u with a name of KAORU which means "fragant" in japanese for your pink laptop.....
and then, i was very happy to hear that you actually love the name that i gave to your laptop.....again...my face was filled with a smile...
i dont know why...but the memory of giving each other's laptop a name...
has made a very good and sweet memory for me.....
and...at the moment i said the word "KAORU"
in front of you... again u came up with a smile...
i dont know...i just cant get tired of looking at your smile...
it was a very good feeling for me to see your smile and i will never get bored of looking at it for the rest of my life......
and starting from that...i never expected that you have actually open up my heart for you.... but until now, i have never spill my feeling towards you....
it's not because i'm scared....
i'ts just because i know....your heart will never be mine....
as somebody else has taken your heart earlier before me...

(to be continued)


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